Sunday, July 16, 2006

Getting Started

I really dont have much to post at the moment mainly do to I'm just getting started, and dont have too much to say. When this changes, I suppose I will have something else to post but until then, this will have to do. Thank you for coming. I think... Hmm.... Are you still here? -Gasp!-


Blogger Anniina said...

Wheeeee, FINALLY! Okay, I'm riveted. *listens intently for more*

8:52 PM  
Blogger Riykere said...

Hey, srry I haven't been checking my posts, i didnt think anyone was going to leave one ;) I'll be sure to post something up, what it will be I'm not sure, but if i can't think of anything it will just be something random lol. Glad you liked my first post :) Ttyl~ ^^

12:01 AM  
Blogger Riykere said...

Hey, one last thing lol, ya still need to check your e-mail ;) your netscape one anyway lol, its the only one i know. Well ttyl, Shin and Diak say hi btw ^^ Also not sure what i should post about. If you have any ideas let me know lol.

12:12 AM  
Blogger Anniina said...

I thought you said you made another blog post? I dunno, post about whatever - I sometimes just write whatever (and excuse the following crude Finnish saying) "the spit brings into my mouth"... damn that sounded weird in English. But yeah, whatever pops into my head sometimes ends up on the blog. Self-censorship is a writer's worst enemy. Write first, censor later :)

11:47 PM  

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